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The Meatrix I'm not a vegetarian but I dislike factory farming and I support small, family farms.


Tomatilla! Feed

Tuesday, September 23, 2003

I've clearly been on something of a recipe drive lately. It has been a few weeks since I wrote something that didn't include a recipe so I am now resolving to do better.

Work at the moment is hanging in limbo. We just finished a huge project and literally simultaneously with that we got word that our manageer is moving on and our group is getting 're-orged.' Another horrible US tech industry buzzword. Not the worst since there is a chance that some people can figure out what it means. Anyway, we are all sitting around doing makework waiting on the word about what is to happen next. There is some good news. It seems likely I can parlay this change into more time working from home and also I may be able to work toward a transfer overseas for a year or two. That'll take some time to work out (if indeed it is possible) but it is a worthy goal.
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