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The Meatrix I'm not a vegetarian but I dislike factory farming and I support small, family farms.


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Friday, September 29, 2006

Paper Chef Update 
My apologies - I didn't realise Ilva was back - so the roundup will go up later today and hopefully we can get a winner sorted out before we start the next Paper Chef!

I know that the past few months have been difficult for fans of the Paper Chef - I have not paid the event the attention it deserves and despite best intentions when I took it back over I haven't really delivered. I will keep plugging away at it until the New year and in the season of renewal will revisit how it should all go forward.

I truly appreciate all of your patience and understanding.

I also have the results of the La Censa comparative tasting of grass-fed beef and some insights into jazzing up just about anything - even something as cardboardy as a premade vegetarian burger.
Owen, I'm sorry, I should have told you but there have been such saddening things happening in my life lately that I just didn't think! I apologize!
No need to apologize! Real life is far more important! I am so sorry for your loss. Processing these kinds of events takes a long time and I didn't want to put you under any pressure at all.
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