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The Meatrix I'm not a vegetarian but I dislike factory farming and I support small, family farms.


Tomatilla! Feed

Wednesday, July 23, 2003

A lot of time has passed and worse yet I haven't done much cooking. Although I did make use of some of the cherries (beyond the ice cream). I made a really easy and tasty dessert involving puff pastry, sugar and cherries - that's all.

Cherry Strada

First I defrosted some of the frozen cherries. Then I discovered that you can pit them easily with your fingers once defrosted. Freezing and defrosting makes the cherries soft - good for cooking but not for eating raw anymore. Then I buttered a baking dish, spread out a defrosted sheet of frozen puff pastry, smeared on more butter, then a thin layer of suger, then all the cherries, then more butter in dabs and a little more sugar, then another sheet of puff pastry, then (yes) more butter and more sugar. Then bake in a 350 degree oven for about 20 minutes. The reviews were good.
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